Today Miss Eva is at her new daycare. She was a little shy with little D. who wanted to hug her tight right off. What can I say, he's 2 and cute as a button so I would have let him hug me but Eva is a little more picky than I am. By the time I left, though, she was chatting away on a phone handset. Sitter T says she slept 2 plus hours this morning, so she must be somewhat comfortable.
E. spent the weekend hugging her Grandma and Momo, who came for a visit.
She is also a successful cup sipper!
I'm going out of my mind at work, and I don't know whether last week's snowday and a half helped or hurt things, but it did allow Bill to take his valentines out for lunch at the Cottage, where we watched the snow fall and took this picture, among others...