Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bill's home! And so is his walrus tusk!

But why do I forget how HARD this is every year. We end up fighting a lot upon his return: because of all the unused emotions from his absence, and because now that we have a routine it feels like an imposition and an upset, and because he hates my haircut and is being really mean about it and that makes me very mad (and also pissed that apparently my hair looks like doodoo and no one told me!)

But anyway, I had a long cry about the whole thing and then we snuggled on the couch to watch Lost.

But Miss Eva is very taken by her dad. And while he just kind of enjoyed her yesterday, today she is ALL HIS because A.'s sick and had to take the day off. So he's getting a refesher course in the care and feeding of the Eva, who will also be getting flu shot number two this afternoon. BWAHAHAHAHAH!


Blogger Christa said...

Your hair doesn't look like doo-doo...what does he know...he brings tusks home! :)

9:52 AM  
Blogger Labrdors said...

Your hair looks great. A lot better than mine, in fact.

12:51 PM  

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