Monday, June 26, 2006

What a weekend! Saturday was spent lolling around, gardening, and trying on Eva's pdf. We thought we might go boating on Sunday, but at the last minute Bill suggested taking the ferry over to Burlington. So that is what we did.

We planned on the earliest ferry (9ish) but after much rushing on my part and then waiting for Bill, we were cutting it close, so we decided to get the papers, go for a drive and catch the next boat. Which is what we did. We were planning on just going to ECHO, but we ran into the G family on the ferry and they told us they were hitting the Chew Chew Festival (FOOD!) so we added that to our agenda too. The ferry ride was gorgeous. Unlike the rest of the northeast, we had great weather this weekend.

First, the museum. I expected Eva would treat a museum like she treats a book. She enjoys it for the page licking, but not for the story or pictures. We figured she like to slurp on the aquarium glass, but not care what was on the other side. Wrong. She was TOTALLY engaged by the fish and the turtles (including the stinkpot who tried to bite her little fingers through the glass...) Bill managed to lure her attention away in ONE shot. There was much nose wrinkling and panting (a sign of happiness), accompanied by squealing and swinging legs (a sigh of joy.)

Then the Chew Chew, where mama and daddy exhibited similar behaviors. We ate SO MUCH. $30 worth of food in $1.50 sized portions. Ribs. Chicken Roti. Alligator Bites. Sweet potato fries. Lemonade. Ice Cream. Sorbet. Root beer floats. Hot dogs. Spanakopita in a pita. Samosas. Some other stuff I don't even remember. Oh! Crabcakes. Conch fritters.

And then it was naptime.

Best. Sunday. Ever. In spite of my sunburn.


Blogger Christa said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! Miss Eva just gets cuter and cuter (is that possible?)!

11:53 AM  

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