Monday, June 12, 2006

We did it. Don't tell Dr. C, but we gave her CEREAL. And it did not get everywhere, and she loved it, and she wrestled her spoon from my hand and she cried for more when it was all gone. We did take pictures, but I forgot to bring the camera in to upload them.

The Junior Miss is now five months old. FIVE. She woke me up to 2am to celebrate, proving a.) that she's a party animal and b.) that cereal does NOT eliminate night wakings.

She also likes to be worn as a hat by her parents. But only with her feet hanging in front of their faces, not the other way. The other way is NO GOOD.


Blogger Christa said...

Congrats, parents! On to messier, smellier, nastier poop...and lots of adventures ahead!

5:43 AM  

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