Monday, June 05, 2006

This pretty much sums up our whole weekend. (Note to child safety police: she did not actually nap on the chair, she's too rolly for that. She was just placed there for a moment before moving to the car seat for a trip to the post office.) On Saturday, Junior Miss and I slept for three hours on my bed. She woke me up with a not so gentle hair tug.

Last night Bill and I were discussing whether or not men like to hold babies. Maybe it is sexist of me, but I just assumed non-related men have no interest in holding the Junior Miss. However, I would say that about a third of the folks who have held her have been men, and that's because about a third of the folks she's met have been men. The holders ARE often Dads themselves, but the age of their own offspring has no correlation to the likelihood of holding. Bill says that while it's not true in general that men like to hold babies, (at least he was never given that page in the Man Book), but that it is true that our Eva specifically is quiet holdable, and gives off a non-vulnerable non-wobbly baby vibe that reassures men.

And also, the way her sweater looks in this picture makes me think of Dolly Parton. My daughter is not that well endowed. Which makes the above paragraph feel kind of creepy.


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