Wednesday, May 24, 2006

We are currently working Elizabeth Pantley's "No Cry Sleep Solution." And, with the exception of the setbacks endured through the Junior Miss' present cold, it seems to be working! And thank god, because if it wasn't, I'd be seeing divorce in my future. The pressure of a new baby on a marriage is way bigger than I could have anticipated, though I had been forewarned. Basically, even the best husband and father can not offer enough help, at least to a breast fed baby. But also, we were having NO time alone together. (Which I guess is a good birth control method...)

So while, our beloved ped says a 10:30 bed time is fine for her, we needed to move it earlier. So we have started a bedtime routine: bath, lotion, massage, books, nursing, back rub, sleep! Now, we aim to get this whole process down to an hour, but currently it stretches to two and the last three steps get repeated at least once most nights! The idea is to put baby down sleepy, but awake, which is what we are working on. It definitely happens with naptime, but sometimes Miss E falls asleep during the nursing, which means she gets upset when she wakes up, titless.

Still the last three nights she's been asleep by nine! And now that I figured out elevating the head of her mattress to avoid snotty nose pooling which leads to snorting and crying and waking, we actually got five hours straight snoozing again last night. (She was sleeping through, but between teething and her cold, that stopped last week.) Bill and I even got to be quietly amorous, on the couch, like teenagers afraid to wake a parent.


Blogger lagiulia said...

Ha! Good for you! It's important to get that alone time. I know exactly what you mean about the strain on your relationship, especially as a breastfeeding mom. Before the babies, people warned me about it and I would think, "We're so in love that nothing will mess it up. These people don't know what they're talking about!" Yeah.
Our babes were sleeping well until Jesse had to have anaesthesia for a medical procedure, which totally messed up his cycle. He started waking up every half hour between 7 and 11, and I'd have to nurse him to get him back down. Meanwhile he'd wake up Miles, and I was pretty much ready to check myself into a nuthouse (I'm only half kidding). Our trusty nightly routine didn't seem to be working anymore, on top of which they just freaked out even more if we went in to comfort them but didn't pick them up. So I asked other twins moms what they did, and many said they just let them cry together until they learn to sleep. We started Sunday, and it TOTALLY SUCKS, but if it works it might just rescue us all...
Sorry for the long, rambly comment. Just wanted you to know we're going through it all too. And BTW, Eva is freakin' adorable!!!

5:27 AM  
Blogger Martha said...

It's nice that they have each other, and that might work in your favor!

10:40 AM  

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