I hope Bill never touched that brim with fish guts on his hands. Ick. The reach and grab now has a third step: suck.
Junior Miss now has a new fascination with adult food and drink. She stares at forkfulls, and reaches for glasses. Last night she tried to grab a falafel. We have our four month appointment next monday, so we will see what the doc has to say about starting solids. I thought six months, but if she's THAT interested, why not? Why not? POOP. I like the breastmilk poops. I like the formula poops a little less (they actually smell like poop, which is a surprising smell from such a sweet baby.) But solid food poops? I shudder to think. Also, A., our sitter, is ok with cloth diapers for now, but she did tell me she wasn't gung ho on them post solids. But as she has yet to get a dirty diaper on her watch, she might be naive about the smell of those supplemental bottles. I am still waiting for a day care blow out, but it took me 30 years and a pregnancy to get over pooping at someone else's house, so it's no wonder Junior Miss seems to save the doodoo for mama.
HA hahahahhahaa...ahhh, the joys of motherhood! All we do is talk about pooping!
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