Friday, June 09, 2006

Eva is so excited that her Grams is coming and she doesn't even know it. Grams will be regaling Miss Eva with tales of Italia, and I am sure they will make plans for some outing during our vacation in July, which will be spent at her house in Greenport. And I am so excited her Grams is coming. I know I am extremely lucky in the mother in law department, but I can't even begin to explain what a good friend and support E. is to me. She's also one of very few people that understand who Bill is in the way I do. (Maybe the only other is his sister, L.) I really need her right now, and of course she is coming. I am sure that sometime I will write about WHY I (we) need her right now, but I haven't talked about it to all everyone I need to yet (and I can't just have them read about it here), so you all have to wait. Nothing major, don't worry.

And to add to the excitement, next week Eva will see her Grandma! And her great-grandma!


Blogger Christa said...

Just thinking about you! Great job on the news last night! You ROCK! Eva is lucky to have such an amazing Mom!

10:28 AM  

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