Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Numbers and Days and Surprising Disappointment

It's amazing how your emotions can go through such extraordinary changes in a few short days...

Late last week I started to get strange cramps, strange because they felt like premenstrual cramps but I had just had some bleeding the week before, which was timed perfectly to be my period. Then my face started breaking out in a phenomenal way. Both things happened the last two times I was pregnant. So I finally sucked it up, and even though the timing of it made no sense, had a pregnancy test done. Very handy, working in family planning. But it took forever for my coworker to come in with results. Which I knew were positive. And they were...faintly. Very faintly. So faintly in fact that she showed it to another nurse who guessed it was leftover hcg from my post-Eva pregnancy, which ended over two months ago. So the timeline was a little longer than usual, but...Then how to explain my cramps, and the acne, oh and the incredible hair loss I am experiencing? So the options were wait two weeks and test again, or get a blood test. Since Bill leaves in less than two weeks, I went for the blood test. Those results? The best description would be faint. Not negative, but not awesomely positive. If I ovulated during that bleeding (bizarre) it could be a slow start. So she ordered a retest for today. And I went from "no way can I have another yet" on Monday afternoon to "I am so excited to have another BABY!" this morning. But alas, the results of the second beta indicate a no go (they are supposed to at least double and mine went from 22 to 18.) So here I am both disappointed and relieved that I can spend now through April wait til I am really ready to conceive again, instead of waiting to give birth. But let me tell you, as soon as April rolls around, I will be working like a dog to get pregnant. (bad choice of words, perhaps...)

The only question that remains is this: was that leftover hormone from my terminated pregnancy? Or was I pregnant in July and miscarried? Or am I miscarrying now? It's hard to know, and I don't really want to think too hard about it.

All I know is that I love my family and my thoughts of having just one are now gone.


Blogger Briar said...

I am really sorry for whatever this is that's happening - it really is sort of baffling, timing-wise. And I'm sorry that you've had to go through so much of this kind of thing the last several months.

It does sound like - if there was ever something to clarify whether you wanted to have another baby at all or soon, this has done that for you! So that's excellent.

Take care of yourself.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Christa said...

Oh my! I'm here if you need me. I do have to admit...the working like a dog comment made me smirk. Just a little though.

11:26 AM  
Blogger lagiulia said...

I'm sorry about all of the ups and downs you've been through of late. I hope that you get some clarity on what's going on soon. I can imagine being disappointed that you aren't pregnant even if you weren't ready to be again, and I'm glad that you are feeling excited looking forward to baby #2. Take care.

5:29 PM  

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