Well, I feel like crap, but so far Miss E seems to be fine. She's actually selpt through the night two nights in a row...once each night she's fussed around one, but a quick back rub puts her RIGHT back to sleep, if she's even awake to begin with...this morning she woke around 5:30 and Bill got her from the crib...she snuggled right up to me and fell asleep, so I think she was a just little chilly (it was in the 40s last night...)
I feel so bad for Bill...I can't imagine how much he'll miss her! We printed out this picture for him to take, among others and I asked if he REALLY wanted to bring such a "daddy, come home!" picture.
And finally, we had dinner last night with our pals R. and S...R. was the receipient of E.'s first wave and so they have a VERY special friendship...it helps that R. is a redhead. S. is the same age Bill was when I met him and has a new girlfriend who is the age I was then. Since E. was born, S. has been stopping by more and more. He holds her whenever he can. And last night he got made at me because my beer glass was blocking his line of vision to Miss E. I told him he better get his own baby. Instead of laughing, he got very serious and said..."I'm definitely working on that plan." Too cute. He's always been Bill's most single guy friend...
She is so gorgeous.
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