Thursday, January 18, 2007

My cups runneth over. In so, so many ways. The most obvious is that I bought two new bras yesterday and while they fit, thay are slightly more, um, exposing that the nursing bras I've been wearing for over a year (if said nursing bras are closed, of course.) So I feel like I am just POPPING out. Who knew the old girls had such life in them post-deflation!

My work cup is also overfilled...I just took on supervision of a program (and a person! EEEEEEEEE!) and now I am also filling in doing fundraising stuff. Temporarily. I swear.

One thing that wasn't running over was my bathroom sink this morning. Frozen cold water from the sink toward the back of the house which meant a nice shower, but no flushing. I figured out where the heat tape was, plugged it in, and was lugging a HUGE pot of flushing water down the hall when I heard the clanking and gurgling that meant thawing. I left a note for Bill to check the pipe when he gets home...just in case. The odd thing was that it was not nearly as cold last night as the night before and yet we froze. I don't get it.

Finally, Eva's cuteness also is abundant...this morning she went to kiss me right after I walked across the room to get her coat. She got a shock and pulled away. She almost cried, but then she stopped, looked at my nose (from whence the shock came) and slowly brought her face to mine, when we touched there was no jolt and she had this look of confusion and relief that you would not believe!


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