Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's a yeast thing, and boy, is she miserable. We saw the doc that was the main reason we initially called this practice, but since he had no openings we went with Dr. C, whom we love, of course. I enjoyed this Dr.B, but I like Dr. C better. Anyway, he prescribed nystatin cream for her girly bits and suggested she eat yogurt. Already doing that. Then he talked about how when he was a resident in Amish country diaper rash babies would often come in the diapers full of black powder...the amish would burn flour into charcoal and make a powder that way and it seemed to work. But he thought the nystatin would be faster and easier. He also suggested leaving her in disposal diapers for the next few days. Which is a bummer because a.) they cost money and b.) there is much less room for error, which I need because diapering the Junior Miss is like trying to grab a cat out of a washer that's on the spin cycle. At least with her cloth dipes I stand a chance of getting reasonable butt coverage before she makes a break for it. Brat.

And also my new couch rules!


Blogger Vicky said...

Becca had this too. We got the same cream and it worked well. One of my friends said her doc suggested Lamsil. I wouldn't try it unless I talked to my doc first.

9:08 AM  
Blogger lagiulia said...

My boys are impossible lately when it comes to diapering, too. They twist and turn and crawl away. It's the only time I am even remotely tempted to swat their little butts! I don't, but boy oh boy does it make me crazy!

8:29 PM  

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