Thursday, April 28, 2005

My first ultrasound is scheduled for May 27th! Seems so far away to see anyone again, but I think it will fly by...I hope.

The practice I am using is a group of Certified Nurse Midwives and Ob/GYNS --one of the mds works here at PP, too...doing abortions and colposcopies and such a few days a month, and two of the CNMs are per diems here. I have liked the two CNMs I have met as a patient so far, and neither of them is one of the women I know.

They had me do a urine test, and then I signed a bunch of releases for blood tests...then it was off to the lab down the road to have the bllod drawn and to pee in a cup. Again. Good thing I have to go every 30 minutes anyway....

Bill will come to the next appointment.

It is very hard not to tell people...not sure how much further I will last. I'll need some reason to tell folks why I am losing my mind...I suddenly can't remember ANYTHING!


Blogger Christa said...

Oh for the love of God, Martha...please start telling people at work! It's killing me! Oh yeah, I am soooo super excited for you both! You are going to make one great (if not a little nutty) Mommy!

8:15 AM  
Blogger Christa said...

Oh for the love of God, Martha...please start telling people at work! It's killing me! Oh yeah, I am soooo super excited for you both! You are going to make one great (if not a little nutty) Mommy!

8:15 AM  

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